Design Communication in the Building and Real Estate Industry

10 12 2009

Design communication particularly related to the architectural industry is changing.  Having worked for Architects, Planners and Developers for my entire professional career and having witnessed countless presentations, I am more convinced than ever that in order to move any large project through entitlement, community outreach or even marketing it is essential to have a competent multi-media consultant to help guide, direct and manage the project’s media assets.  Many complex yet superior design solutions are passed over everyday, mostly because  the audience could not fully understand the design intent.  Ask any Architect, I am sure each one will have a story for you.

The Paradigm Shift…
There is no question that a paradigm shift has occurred slowly over the past 10 years.  We have seen traditional methods of presenting complex designs move from hand sketches, plans, section and elevation to media rich presentations that include creative 3D imagery, interactivity, animation and storytelling.  With this shift, we have also seen the need to entertain while presenting those same design ideas.  This notion of bringing together technology, media and story-telling has essentially established another professional niche in the Architectural industry.  If this is indeed the case why do we not have a classification for it?  This should be a category that is not directly related to pre-visualization or the individual media asset but rather a combination of media assets, delivery methods and targeted demographics with one goal in mind… clear, creative, communication (CCC).

So why the paradigm shift?  Could it be a new generation’s perception, the coolness factor, or the fact that these methods are a clearer form of communication?  Let’s face it, today the majority of generations that are running our companies, local communities and state agencies were brought up with MTV type media in their living rooms and are familiar to this type of communication.  In just understanding this one notion, it makes sense that these new methods of communication are the most effective manner in which to reach the current generation in power.  So why not embrace it rather than fight it? 

What about the Future?
10 – 15 years from now, when the next generation is in power, social networking and web-based communication encompassing multi media will be the focus.  How will the community be able to see our presentation on their Phones, Computers and TV’s?  How can we create a cost-effective presentation that tackle these different delivery methods?  Yes, I am already asking these questions because this will ultimately put us on the right path.

 I would think, now more that ever, a new consultant has emerged, the “presentation specialist”.  I would also think this specialist should be given more of an active role on large complicated projects.  This new “Media Specialist/Consultant” should rank up there with EIR consultants, Traffic consultant and Political Advisors.  I am not talking about a 3D renderer that the Architect hires or develops in-house, I am talking about a professional that will assess project targets like the community, jurisdictions, investors, environmentalists, opposition, budget, etc. and come up with comprehensive solutions where he or she directly develops the media assets that can be used over the course of the entire project.  Each audience is different, each project is different, and the way in which you use technology and media will change from project to project.



One response

10 12 2009
Joe King

Please continue this conversation; I am interested in what you have to say!

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